Agents for quality machinery from leading overseas manufacturers
With 30 years experience in the packaging machinery sector Allied Packaging Machinery Ltd (APM) was formed in 2004 with the philosophy to supply direct into the UK/IRE market. Our 2 main principles Sotemapack (Italy) and Pace Pkg (USA) have worked with us throughout this period. Other suppliers are linked via sister companies Pharma Machinery Ltd and Palpack Ltd.

Sotemapack, Bologna, Italy were formed in 1974 and have grown from a family business to be acquired in 2018 by the Robopac group. They have 2 distinct ranges for wraparound tray & case loading + shrink wrapping for the consumer sector. Second being large format machines and market leaders for systems for packing insulation panels in the industrial sector. .
Pace Packaging Corp, are based in New Jersey USA and have been building bottle unscramblers and orientating systems since 1983. They are market leaders for their belt style machine which is highly flexible and particularly suited to the current market trends with ever changing bottle designs. Pace were acquired by Promach in 2016 which has over 30 companies within their group, one of the largest suppliers to the packaging sector in North America.
Machine Types
- Bottle unscramblers
- Tray loaders
- Shrink wrappers
- Wraparound case
- Palletisers
- Large format shrink wrappers
- Large stretch/tight wrappers
- Horizontal spiral wrappers
- Stacking/Palletising
- Turnkey lines
Associated companies